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Kū Ha'aheo Hats Fundraiser!!!

Aloha Class of '96! Class fundraiser hats will be going on sale starting this weekend. ALL proceeds will benefit our class alumni week functions, so please kāko‘o mai and buy some hats! $20 for 1 hat $35 for 2 hats Cash or check made payable to: "Kamehameha Schools Class of 1996" Email Tootie at to place your order. We can ship to you, but we will charge you shipping costs. For those of you who require shipping, you can mail your check to: Kamehameha Schools Class of 1996 c/o Tootie Glendon 1655 Kalauipo Street Pearl City, HI 96782 Once you get your hats, take a photo and post your pic on IG or FB using #kuhaaheo96 to encourage other people to support our class fundraiser! Hat purchases are by no means limited to our classmates, so feel free to spread the word. The more purchases, the more our class benefits, and the more our personal costs for alumni week get defrayed! If there is enough interest, we will print keiki hats. When you place your order, please indicate whether you'd be interested in keiki hats, too. Also, be on the lookout for class shirts coming soon! Mahalo!! Your Alumni Week 2016 Committee

© 2016 KS Class of 1996 

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